Referral Procedures
Ages Newborn - Three
If you are concerned about the progress your child is making or your child’s developmental level, please contact Socorro Klauck, ESS Preschool Coordinator, at (928) 373-3453.
Ages Two to Five
Ages Two to Five
If you are concerned about the progress your child is making or your child’s developmental level, call Socorro Klauck, ESS Preschool Coordinator, (928) 373-3453. You can make an appointment to have your child screened if it is deemed appropriate.
School Age
Ages 5 to 22
Ages 5 to 22
The first place to begin any discussion about your child’s progress or performance in school should be with your child’s classroom teacher. Talk to your child’s teacher and discuss any problems that exist and ways to help your child to be more successful. If, after trying strategies to help in the regular classroom, your child is still having difficulties, the school may begin the referral process.
The school may schedule a Child Study Team meeting where you and a group of school staff who know your child will meet to discuss ways to help your child and also decide if your child may need to be evaluated for Special Education Services.
Remember, you will also be invited to this meeting or you can provide the team with your ideas in writing. Your child will only be evaluated for Special Education Services with your permission in writing.
Additional Information
If you need additional information regarding the referral process or any aspect of Special Education services available please, contact the following:
If you need additional information regarding the referral process or any aspect of Special Education services available please, contact the following:
Crane Schools
Connie Jerpseth,
ESS Director
A referral for early intervention or special education services can come from a parent, guardian, foster parent, family member, teacher, counselor, or the student who finds learning difficult. The earlier you express your concerns, the sooner your child’s needs will be identified and the sooner he or she will receive the help needed to succeed.
Connie Jerpseth,
ESS Director
Ph: (928) 373-3450
Child Find
The purpose of Child Find is to identify, locate, and evaluate all children with disabilities aged birth through 21 who are in need of early intervention or special education services. Please contact Socorro Klauck, Child Find Coordinator, Crane Schools, (928) 373-3453 for more information.
Helping All Children Succeed
Do you have concerns about your child’s development or progress in school?
What Is Child Find?
Child find is a component of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004 (IDEA ’04) that requires states to locate, identify, and evaluate all children with disabilities, ages birth through 21 years, who are in need of early intervention or special education services. This includes children who are highly mobile, such as migrant or homeless children, children suspected of having a disability even though they are advancing from grade to grade, private school students, and homeschool students.
The Arizona initiative for child find is referred to as AZ FIND.
Developmental and Educational Services for Children Ages Birth through 21 Years
Special programs are provided to students identified as having disabilities in any of the following areas:
A referral for early intervention or special education services can come from a parent, guardian, foster parent, family member, teacher, counselor, or the student who finds learning difficult. The earlier you express your concerns, the sooner your child’s needs will be identified and the sooner he or she will receive the help needed to succeed.
Help for Infants and Toddlers
Children ages birth to 2 years 10 1/2 months are screened through the Arizona Early Intervention Program (AzEIP) to determine if early intervention services are needed. Early intervention brings professionals, working in partnership with parents and families of children with special needs, together to support infants’ or toddlers’ growth, development, and learning. If you have questions about your child’s development, an AzEIP specialist will talk with you about your concerns and observe your child. If your child is found eligible, a plan will be designed to include strategies, activities, and supports to achieve desired outcomes related to your child’s needs. Make an online referral at For more information, call 1-888-439-5609 or (602) 532-9960.
Help for Preschool and School-Aged Children
Your local school district, or the charter school your child attends (for school-aged children), screens children ages 2 years 10 1/2 months through 21 years. Public schools use an informal screening process to check your child’s development and academic progress.
• Screening must be completed within 45 calendar days of the date you notify the school of your concerns.
• When a concern is identified through screening procedures, you must be notified within 10 school days and informed of procedures to follow up on your child’s needs. For example: Your child may be referred to the school’s child study team for pre-intervention services; or, If screening results indicate your child may have a disability, a comprehensive evaluation will be necessary to your child’s determine eligibility for special education and related services. A team, of which you will be a member, will meet to begin the process.
• Screening must be completed within 45 calendar days of the date you notify the school of your concerns.
• When a concern is identified through screening procedures, you must be notified within 10 school days and informed of procedures to follow up on your child’s needs. For example: Your child may be referred to the school’s child study team for pre-intervention services; or, If screening results indicate your child may have a disability, a comprehensive evaluation will be necessary to your child’s determine eligibility for special education and related services. A team, of which you will be a member, will meet to begin the process.
Screening and evaluation are free. All information contained in the screening or evaluation is confidential.
Be Involved!
Family engagement has a positive influence on your child’s academic success and emotional development.
• Set high expectations and establish goals.
• Communicate frequently with teachers to monitor your child’s achievements.
• Ask for ideas and materials to help your child learn at home.
• Reward progress and celebrate accomplishments.
• Volunteer for classroom and schoolwide activities.
• Attend community events and workshops that promote learning and social growth.
Family engagement has a positive influence on your child’s academic success and emotional development.
• Set high expectations and establish goals.
• Communicate frequently with teachers to monitor your child’s achievements.
• Ask for ideas and materials to help your child learn at home.
• Reward progress and celebrate accomplishments.
• Volunteer for classroom and schoolwide activities.
• Attend community events and workshops that promote learning and social growth.
AZ FIND, 1-800-352-4558 or 928-637-1871, [email protected]
Crane School District will hold Child Find screenings throughout the school year. Please contact Socorro Klauck at (928) 373-3453 for more information.