Exceptional Student Services » Gifted and Talented

Gifted and Talented

Crane Schools proudly maintains an inclusive gifted education program where the focus is more than just acceleration in a subject area and the major focus is on the acquisition of complex, abstract ideas that apply to a wide variety of disciplines and situations. We proudly share our gifted identification process with stakeholders to ensure fairness and equity in the identification of students. 
  • Gifted education is the appropriate academic course offerings during the regular school day and is commensurate with the academic abilities and potential of a gifted student
  • At Crane, a gifted student is a child who is of lawful school age, who due to superior intellect or advanced learning ability, or both, does not progress or develop with regular classroom instruction and who needs differentiated instruction to achieve at levels commensurate with intellect and ability.
  • This child scores at 97% percentile on the CogAT ability test in at least one area, verbal, quantitative or non-verbal.
Crane maintains an inclusive gifted education program where the focus is more than just acceleration in a subject area and the major focus is on the acquisition of complex, abstract ideas that are applicable to a wide variety of disciplines and situations
Students may be referred for gifted screening by teachers, staff, and/or parents. Students who are referred demonstrate superior intellect or advanced learning ability. 
Students are assessed using the Cognitive Abilities test (CoGAT). They must score at or above the 97th percentile in one of three areas to qualify for gifted services: 
  • Verbal
  • Non-Verbal
  • Quantitative Reasoning
Results of testing are shared and reviewed with parents, teachers, and additional stakeholders within 30 days. 
Students who qualify for the gifted education program are provided with integrated, differentiated experiences to enhance their academic and social learning appropriate to the gifted qualification. 
Jamie Haines
(928) 539-1200