About Us » Governing Board

Governing Board

The Crane Elementary School District is governed by a five-member Governing Board elected for 4-year terms. The board operates pursuant to Arizona Law and Governing Board Policies.  The Board adopted the Policy Governance Model of governance which focuses its work on policy decisions, rather than operational issues. These policies direct the Superintendent who acts as chief executive officer.

The Governing Board welcomes the public, including district staff, parents, and community members, to its meetings. Regular meetings are held according to the published meeting schedule beginning at 5:00 p.m. at the Crane District Services Center, 930 S. Avenue C, Yuma, Arizona. As in previous years, it is recommended that the schedule of the June board meeting remain as the the last Tuesday of the month to allow for additional time to prepare the budget documents for the coming Fiscal Year, and to accommodate any legislative action that could impact the budget development process. In addition, it is recommended to move the November 11, 2025 Regular meeting to Wednesday, November 12, 2025 due to the Veteran's Day Holiday. Meeting agendas (Public Meeting Notices) are available on-line, and posted at each school and the District Office, at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Marcos Moore
 MARCOS MOORE, Governing Board President
 Phone: (928) 446-5642
 Term Ends: 2028
Jim Colby

 JIM COLBY, Governing Board Clerk
 Phone: (928) 210-4183
 Term Ends: 2028

Dan Farar
 DAN FARAR, Governing Board Member
 Phone: (928) 343-1197
 Term Ends: 2026
Regina Twomey
 REGINA TWOMEY, Governing Board Member
 Phone: (928) 246-3861
 Term Ends: 2026
Keli Osborn
 KELI OSBORN, Governing Board Member
 Phone: (602) 529-8094
 Term Ends: 2028