ESS Department: Record Destruction Notice

Attention Parents/Guardians; Former Students; Eligible (Adult) Students:

Special Education records which have been collected by Crane School District related to the identification, evaluation, educational placement, or the provision of Special Education in the district, must be maintained under State and Federal laws for a period of five years after Special Education services have ended for the student.  This notification is to inform parents/guardians and/or former students of Crane School District’s policy of destroying Special Education records.  Crane will destroy all Special Education records from the 2016-17 School Year and older. Before these records are destroyed, parents and/or eligible students have the right to review records and obtain copies of any information needed. 


To schedule at appointment, please contact our Exceptional Student Services Department using the phone or email addresses listed below prior to the date of destruction on July 11, 2022.


Crane School District

Exceptional Student Services Department

4250 W. 16th Street

Yuma, Arizona 85364

Telephone:  (928) 373-3451 or (928) 373-3453

Email:  [email protected]  /   [email protected]