Preschool Milestones » Cognitive 4 Years Old

Cognitive 4 Years Old

Cognitive Development - A Guide for Parents and Caregivers
Cognitive development in the preschool years is a stepping-stone for the foundation of later schooling. It refers to the basics of problem solving, thinking, observing, and discovering.
A delay in cognitive development would suggest that a child would possibly not have the ability to solve problems, explore cause and effect, understand basic concepts of time, or take on pretend roles. Cognition is measured by those skills and abilities most commonly thought of as thinking or “problem solving”.
For more information please contact, Martha Fugate, ESS Preschool Coordinator (928) 373-3453.
Developmental Milestones
Four-Five Years Old
Cognitive milestones involve activities such as attending to, perceiving, and processing information, remembering, thinking, and knowing. Here are a few of those milestones pertaining to children ages four-five years of age:
  • Labels primary colors
  • Remembers simple poems or songs
  • Understands quantity up to the number three
  • Begins basic number understanding
  • Understands functions of common objects in their environment
  • Expresses a more mature send of humor
  • Independently able to follow a two-step direction
Cognitive Developmental Activities
  • Reading books to your child
  • Begin to point out / identify letters in your child’s name
  • Encourage child to stay with an activity / task for five to ten minutes with minimal adult supervision
  • Help your child complete simple six-eight piece interlocking puzzles
Encourage self-esteem and a positive self-image in your child by using positive reinforcement and frequent praise for the things that he / she has accomplished. Encourage your child to be curious, explore, and take on new challenges.
If your child seems to be regressing or losing skills that he or she was able to do previously, please be sure to discuss these concerns with your child’s pediatrician.